ALPHA SAGITTARIUS Ltd. was founded in Split, Croatia in 2018, from the nucleus of the Aero-technical Association Split (AUS) team.
Alpha Sagittarius Ltd. is an engineering design, manufacturing and consulting firm focused on smart autonomous unmanned systems.
Our range consists of proprietary hardware and software solutions and associated services for unmanned systems combining artificial intelligence, modular design and green technologies.
We approach our clients individually, creating complete, technologically advanced solutions for them that are then monitored and customized to best meet the client’s needs.
We are excited by the opportunities that new technologies and materials provide because we believe that they are the tools that can make us change in the world we live in.
The problem:
The solution:
Required tasks for a UAS mission might vary in a great deal, so using one platform and modular lifting modules which would enable the aircraft to be used in totally different manner.
Payload is also highly dependaple of the mission requirements, so a modular payload with easy docking station is also the best solution.
The problem:
The solution:
Required tasks for a UAS mission might vary in a great deal, so using one platform and modular lifting modules which would enable the aircraft to be used in totally different manner.
Payload is also highly dependaple of the mission requirements, so a modular payload with easy docking station is also the best solution.

Our team
Karlo Bosiljevac, Mag. Mech. Ing. ; Head of design and Project Leader
As a Head of Design and Project Manager, he is focused on design and aerodynamics as an engineer as well as on a business development as a person who founded Flow Design Team, a predecessor to the company. He runs the projects for the company, manages the team and runs the project toward EU Funds.
Mirko Borovac ; B. Sc. System integration and testing
By choosing the optimal and appropriate components, Mirko deals with the implementation of the system and its subsystems both on the aircraft and on the control station.
Matej Šalinović ; Head of electronic systems and propulsion.
Although very young Matej has experience of innovative electronic solutions, electronics and electrical design and installation. He always seeks a way to improve our designs and performance.
Josip Volf ; Software programing
Although the youngest member definitively does not lag behind the others. Josip is wizard responsible for the software programing. Flight controls and Image recognition are his primary tasks. Apart from that, he is also very experienced drone and model plane flyer.
Đani Vrsalović, M. Ing.; Director, Head of Mechanics
With many years of experience in mechanical engineering, process industry, project management, along with great theoretical aerodynamics knowledge gathered at PhD studies and practical aeronautical aviation experiences on sailplanes, Đani leads this talented group which is a great combination of experience and youth.
Rest of the team.;
Beside the above mentioned group we have 15 students working for us and the Aero-Association Split (AUS) part time. They get practical work experience and the training so that when they finish college, they have practical experiences in their fields and we get full professionals by hiring them.